Julian TookeGlobal Director of Product Integration
Julian is YouGov's Global Director of Product Integration. He joined in 2019 after an eight-year stint at the Dentsu Aegis Network.
Universal Studios Orlando is the UK’s most recommended Leisure & Entertainment brand
Theme parks take the top two spots in our tables - but gambling and lottery brands dominate overall
21 Feb 2020Article
John Lewis tops YouGov’s High Street Recommend Rankings
The frequent table-topper takes yet another accolade.
19 Feb 2020Article
HomeSense tops YouGov’s General Retail Recommend Rankings
Homesense tops the 2020 rankings.
19 Feb 2020Article
Fairfx.com is the nation’s most recommended Credit Cards & Payment Services Provider
YouGov Recommend data highlights a strong showing for the currency exchange and money transfer service.
17 Feb 2020Article
Polo Ralph Lauren is the UK’s most recommended fashion brand
Ralph Lauren's lifestyle brand also takes sixth spot.
17 Feb 2020Article
Škoda races to the top of YouGov’s Recommend Car Rankings
The Czech automotive brand continues a UK turnaround decades in the making
14 Feb 2020Article
WhatsApp tops YouGov’s Online 2020 Recommend Rankings
The messaging service opens up a comfortable lead in an otherwise close-run race.
14 Feb 2020Article
Samsung tops YouGov’s Tablet & Broadband Recommend Rankings
A new YouGov metric reveals that the South Korean tech giant comfortably wins the mobile computing melee with its rival Apple taking second place.
13 Feb 2020Article
Netflix leads YouGov’s TV & Radio Recommend Rankings
Streaming giants take the top two spots, but satellite TV and set-top boxes also feature prominently.
12 Feb 2020