Theme parks take the top two spots in our tables – but gambling & lottery brands dominate
UK consumers prefer Volcano Bay to the Magic Kingdom: new YouGov data reveals that, with a score of 87%, Universal Studios Orlando leads the 2020 Recommend Rankings.
The top ten list is based on YouGov’s Recommend scores, which represent the percentage of a brand’s customers who would recommend it to a friend or colleague. Every brand in our Rankings has a minimum sample of 100 and has been tracked for at least 12 months, with all scores being rounded to a single decimal place.

With a score of 86%, Disney World Florida ran Universal Studios Orlando close – and ensured that the top two Leisure & Entertainment brands stayed in the Sunshine State. Cinema brands took the next three slots, with Vue scoring 67%, Cineworld scoring 62%, and Odeon scoring 61%.
The rest of the top ten is occupied by gambling, lottery, and bingo brands. Tombola and The Health Lottery both scored around 53%, ranking sixth and seventh respectively; Mecca Bingo came in eighth with 47%, and two betting companies – Skybet and Betfair – closed out the top ten with scores of 44% and 43%.
Learn more about YouGov Recommend+
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