Fewer say they would be actively upset if Scotland left, however
Most say the new UK government doesn’t understand issues facing Scotland, but only one in seven think it’s a downgrade on its predecessor
Scots are more likely to see Scotland as having been a subject, rather than a partner, in the British Empire
Devolution with current or more powers the most popular arrangements in both countries
Ed Miliband's leadership rating is as bad in Scotland as in England and Wales
Scottish nationalists see more in common with the Nordic nations than with England, but Swedes and Danes don’t see Scotland as distinctly similar to them compared to England
The Scottish National Party has retained its lead in Scotland – and on the question of Scottish independence, Yes leads No by 4 points
Labour are winning over a quarter of voters who backed other major parties in 2019
Labour’s lead over the SNP now stands at 4pts
The majority of English and Welsh people say that Scotland should not be an independent country
Voters in six EU member states think an independent Scotland should be allowed to join the EU – but many reject the idea of a fast-track membership plan
Scottish Labour's more centrist membership could prevent a Corbynite takeover of the Labour leadership in Scotland
One month ago, Labour looked set fair to achieve a triple triumph on May 5: 1,000 gains in English local council contests, outright victory in Wales and, the biggest prize of all, returning to power in Scotland. Wales and England still look good for Labour, but Scotland could be the one that gets away. YouGov’s latest survey shows the SNP with a 13 point lead in the constituency section and a ten point lead in the regional section.
Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention figures for Scotland
To watch England or Scotland play instead…
Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention figures for Scotland
Labour is heading for victory in Wales and frustration in Scotland, according to the final devolved-election YouGov surveys published this afternoon. (See this link for topline results.)
New model suggests that Labour’s constituency count in Scotland could return to levels not seen since before 2015
Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention figures for Scotland
Stephan Shakespeare: Voters would like to hear more about most issues – especially education and the environment. But not Scotland