Unsolicited personal injury approach is still on a high – but how effective are they?
New research from YouGov Reports shows that unsolicited approach from claims advisers are still high - but are they effective? The Personal Injury 2015 report finds that over the last three years, the percentage of adults who are being approached with unsolicited personal injury marketing messages in a ...
07 Jul 2015Article
Students value university education over costs
With the university term now at an end, we explore a recent YouGov Reports study into student finances, which reveals that although students do factor in the price of attending university when deciding to go or not, they still value the education they receive above the cost it takes to ...
01 May 2015Article
Consumers take a break with Kit Kat
After experiencing a loss in sales in the UK, Kit Kat has doubled its media spend this year with the launch of a £10m multimedia campaign.
21 Apr 2015Article
Three in 10 adults say they don’t drink
The YouGov Reports publication ‘Drinking in the UK’ looks at UK alcohol consumption, both in and out of the home, and examines the consumer, their choices and the market. The research found that three in 10 adults (30%) say they do not consume alcohol in an average week, ...
20 Apr 2015Article
Usage of legal services remains unchanged
New research from YouGov Reports shows that a majority of consumers have used a solicitor or law firm in their lifetime.
15 Apr 2015Article
TV may be the key for device connectivity and content sharing
New research from YouGov Reports reveals that there has been little growth in in-home connectivity and content-sharing between devices, however there is potential around home TVs and connecting devices/sharing content.
05 Mar 2015Article
Unfair dismissal claims most likely amongst the employees surveyed
A recent YouGov Reports publication surveyed 256 adults who were involved in an employment law dispute in the last five years. It found that unfair dismissal was the most likely kind of employment law/claim for them to be involved in, as one-third were. The “Employment Law 2015” report shows ...
06 Feb 2015Article
NHS still needs to improve on hospital food
The ‘Hospital Catering 2015’ report continues to examine the opinions and attitudes of consumers who have experienced hospital food as patients, visitors and staff. The report looks to assess shifts in the perceptions of quality of the food. There seems to be some positive perception towards food served ...
23 Jan 2015Article
Netflix spreads the Christmas spirit among the young
Netflix, the on-demand internet streaming service, is aiming to draw families together this festive period with their 2014 Christmas advert. The TV ad which was launched on 24 November, showcases a variety of popular movie titles such as The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Toy ...
22 Dec 2014Article
Rowntree's gives women the sweet tooth
Confectionery items (such as sweets) no longer appeal to just kids but are now embraced by different groups; from young to old, male to female.
01 Dec 2014