• The two tribes of UKIP Article

    The two tribes of UKIP

    New data from YouGov Profiles reveals the very different characteristics of UKIP voters with a Tory or Labour past

  • UKIP tops latest party sleaze trackerArticle

    UKIP tops latest party sleaze tracker

    UKIP continues to be viewed as the most 'sleazy and disreputable' party – and UKIP voters are hesitant about their local candidates

  • UKIP voters now put themselves to the left of ToriesArticle

    UKIP voters now put themselves to the left of Tories

    British people tend to see UKIP as the most right-wing party, but that's not how UKIP voters view themselves

  • Immigration and Europe key to UKIP successArticle

    Immigration and Europe key to UKIP success

    Immigration and the European Union are the only two issues cited by a majority of Ukip voters Results continue to come in, but it is so far clear that Ukip are set to make major gains at today's local election: at the time of this writing, Ukip have won 42 ...

  • UKIP: Protest party or real contender?Article

    UKIP: Protest party or real contender?

    John Humphrys asks: was UKIP’s success in Thursday’s elections just a protest vote, or is UKIP now serious contender for office?

  • How UKIP voters compareArticle

    How UKIP voters compare

    UKIP voters: older and poorer than Tories – but LESS right-wing, Peter Kellner analyses

  • The death of UKIP would help the ToriesArticle

    The death of UKIP would help the Tories

    Conservatives could get a five point jump if UKIP don’t field candidates

  • Voters expect a UKIP victory in ClactonArticle

    Voters expect a UKIP victory in Clacton

    Most voters who have an opinion expect UKIP to win the Clacton by-election – and 36% of those who voted Conservative in 2010 say they would vote for UKIP if they lived there

  • Voters: New UKIP adverts are not racistArticle

    Voters: New UKIP adverts are not racist

    The new, widely criticised, UKIP adverts are not considered racist, offensive or ignorant by the public

  • UKIP ahead of Tories on ImmigrationArticle

    UKIP ahead of Tories on Immigration

    Government ‘crackdown’ well received – but UKIP still leads Tories on Immigration UKIP are by far the most trusted party to deal with immigration issues, a YouGov poll reveals today. With 24% of the public’s trust, UKIP lead on the Tories 19% and beat Labour’s 12% two-fold. <iframe src="https://charts-datawrapper.s3.amazonaws.com/vo3SS/index.html?rev=93" ...

  • European elections: UKIP closes in on first placeArticle

    European elections: UKIP closes in on first place

    The UK Independence Party is on course to win this May’s elections to the European Parliament. YouGov’s first survey in the run-up to the election puts UKIP on 26%, six points behind Labour and three ahead of the Conservatives. In past euro-elections, UKIP’s support has increased as the election approaches. ...

  • Five myths about Ukip’s victoryArticle

    Five myths about Ukip’s victory

    YouGov has repeated some questions we asked in May 2009. Our results challenge five myths about Ukip's performance

  • Why a Tory/Ukip alliance would benefit LabourArticle

    Why a Tory/Ukip alliance would benefit Labour

    In our poll this morning for the Sun the Conservatives had 33% support, Labour 40%, the Liberal Democrats 9% and UKIP 11%. While it would be a gross exaggeration to say all of UKIP's support comes from the Conservative party, they do gain a disproportionate amount of support from ex-Tories ...

  • Profiled for the first time: the UKIP party membershipArticle

    Profiled for the first time: the UKIP party membership

    In the first survey of its kind in the UK, YouGov provides a detailed insight into the UKIP party membership

  • Ukip rising?Article

    Ukip rising?

    The Liberal Democrats have emerged victorious  from the Coalition dust-up that was the Eastleigh by-election. But in a surprise turn, Nigel Farage’s insurgent Ukip won 28% of the vote, putting the Eurosceptic party’s candidate in 2nd place and landing a symbolic body blow to ...

  • ‘UKIP Calypso’ probably not heading to number 1…Article

    ‘UKIP Calypso’ probably not heading to number 1…

    17% of British people heard the UKIP Calypso – and most of them didn’t like it

  • UKIP and Labour neck-and-neckArticle

    UKIP and Labour neck-and-neck

    Labour and UKIP are running neck-and-neck in YouGov’s final survey for the elections to the European Parliament. UKIP’s one-point lead over Labour is within the margin of error – as is the Greens’ one-point lead over the Liberal Democrats in the battle for fourth place. The Conservatives are heading for ...

  • 1 in 3 Tories back UKIP in EuropeArticle

    1 in 3 Tories back UKIP in Europe

    Just under a third (32%) of Tories say they would vote for UKIP in European Parliament elections

  • Tories now seen as being as right wing as 2014-16 era UKIPArticle

    Tories now seen as being as right wing as 2014-16 era UKIP

    Meanwhile, Jeremy Corbyn's influence is still apparent on perceptions of the Labour party

  • Why Ukip’s rivals are fighting the wrong battleArticle

    Why Ukip’s rivals are fighting the wrong battle

    Peter Kellner: Mr Farage's opponents try to neutralise his appeal by offering policies for a better tomorrow – but what Ukip’s voters want is a programme for a better yesterday


UK General Election 2024

Change in voting intention over time

Last update: —
Tap to explore seat allocations
326 seats to win
Lib Dems
Plaid Cymru
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