Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention figures
Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention figures
Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention figures
Using a sample of over 35,000 voters, YouGov looks at how voters voted at the 2024 election across factors like age, gender, class, education, income, work status, housing tenure and their vote at past elections
Tactical voters are most likely to be Greens who are lending their vote to other parties
Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention figures
Most only became certain of how they would vote in the last fortnight of the campaign
The deadline for registering to vote passed two weeks ago, however 13% still believe they have time
One in three voters in England say they are voting more to try and stop another party they dislike from winning
Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention figures
Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention figures
Following the launch of our general election MRP model this week, we will be using the same MRP technique on our regular weekly voting intention polls during the election for Sky and the Times.
Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention figures
YouGov's final call ahead of the elections sees the National Rally taking twice as many votes as Macron's Ensemble coalition
Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention figures
With voters across the country heading to the polls for mayoral elections, YouGov calls the vote for two of the biggest regional contests
Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention figures
Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention figures
Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention figures
Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention figures