Hope for social mobility higher in US than Britain
Americans are split on whether the American dream is still achievable, but they are much more optimistic about social mobility in their country than Britons are Since the world-wide Occupy protests brought the subject of wealth inequality to the fore, the topic has been a major point of discussion in ...
07 Aug 2013Article
One in three say Zimmerman justified in shooting Martin
On July 13th, a Florida jury proclaimed George Zimmerman not guilty on any charges in the 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin. This has scarcely silenced debate on the subject, however, with many still passionately debating whether Zimmerman was justified in shooting Martin and whether he should face additional federal charges...
17 Jul 2013Article
Allow Guantanamo strikers to starve
The majority of Americans say that the detainees at Guantanamo Bay on hunger strike should not be force-fed, even if it means the hunger strikers may die Currently around 100 of the detainees at Guantanamo Bay are on hunger strike over their continued detention. In order to prevent the deaths ...
07 May 2013Article
Half of Americans heard within an hour
A third of Americans had heard of the Boston bombings within half an hour after they happened and half the country knew about them within an hour While details are still emerging about the bombing at the Boston Marathon on Monday, new research from YouGov US shows that word of ...
19 Apr 2013Article
Hillary announces support for Marriage Equality
The former Secretary of State has thrown her support behind marriage equality in a video posted by the Human Rights Campaign Monday. While Clinton has not previously spoken out in favour of marriage equality, she has been known for ...
18 Mar 2013Article
Francis I elected pope
After two days of deliberation, the Papal Conclave of Cardinals has elected a new pope: Jorge Mario Bengoglio of Argentia, henceforth Francis I. Pope Francis, who previously served as Archbishop of Buenos Aires and the head of the Jesuit Order, is the first Pope from the Americas and the first non-European Pope in well over a millenium.
13 Mar 2013Article
Who is the best Sherlock?
Benedict Cumberbatch, star of the BBC's Sherlock, announced today that they would be making a fourth season of the hit BBC show. The third season is set to start filming soon. This means that there are currently three ongoing Sherlock Holmes franchise: The ...
13 Mar 2013Article
Joan Rivers: Gone too far?
The often caustic comic Joan Rivers has yet again raised controversy for recent comments on Adele and the Holocaust. On David Letterman, Rivers mocked Oscar-winner Adele on her weight, first puffing out her cheeks and holding her arms away from her body to "mimic" an overweight person and then saying ...
28 Feb 2013Article
Controversy: Seth MacFarlane hosts the Oscars
Actor, comedian and director Seth MacFarlane hosted the Academy Awards last night. Appropriately for the creator of Family Guy, his performance attracted both measured praise and sharp criticism. The pre-show consensus for MacFarlane was one of low expectations, (a topic MacFarlane himself skewered in his opening monologue....
25 Feb 2013Article
Pope Benedict Resigns
POPE BENEDICT RESIGNS Opinion Roundup Official reactions: David Cameron, Prime Minister "I send my best wishes to Pope Benedict following his announcement today. He has worked tirelessly to strengthen Britain's relations with the Holy See." "He has worked tirelessly to strengthen Britain's relations with the Holy ...
11 Feb 2013