But people are split on whether it should happen before or after Brexit
The Prime Minister has announced that he will seek a general election if the EU agrees to delay the Brexit deadline until January – after he was effectively forced to request an extension by Parliament.
Results of a snap YouGov survey conducted today show that half the country (50%) would support calling a general election – more than twice the number who oppose (23%).
All voting groups are in favour of an election. While Conservative voters express the highest levels of support (62% vs 24% opposed), Labour voters are also much more likely to prefer an election than not (48% vs 25%).

In terms of what side of Brexit that election should take place, Britons are split with 38% wanting one before we try and resolve Brexit and 40% wanting to wait until after Britain has left the EU.
Conservative voters tend to prefer a post-Brexit election by 47% to 40%. Labour voters are split, with 42% wanting a pre-Brexit election and 39% one that comes after.