How do MPs’ views on drugs policy compare to the British public’s?
And how does opinion differ within the general population?
about 1 month agoArticle
Why do Britons support and oppose assisted dying?
The public tell us in their own words
3 months agoArticle
Three quarters support assisted dying law
New YouGov survey takes in-depth look at attitudes towards assisted dying
3 months agoArticle
EuroTrack: mental health attitudes in 2024
Most Europeans say that mental and physical health conditions are equally serious – but don’t think their fellow countrymen agree
5 months agoArticle
What counts as junk food?
The government has laid out a list of foods that it considers junk food – but does the public agree?
5 months agoArticle
Most NHS staff say staff shortages and burnout are impacting patient care
During the penultimate week of Rishi Sunak’s government, YouGov polled NHS workers across the board about their experience of working in healthcare
6 months agoArticle
Health, wealth and happiness: what do Britons hope for?
We asked the public what their number one hope in life is
11 months agoArticle
John Humphrys: Is Youth Heaven or Hell?
John Humphrys' weekly column for YouGov
about 1 year agoArticle
John Humphrys - homeopathy: a royal error in judgement?
John Humphrys' weekly column for YouGov
about 1 year agoArticle
John Humphrys - Antidepressants: blessing or curse?
John Humphrys' weekly column for YouGov
about 1 year agoArticle
John Humphrys - Cheers! How much booze is too much?
John Humphrys' weekly column for YouGov
over 1 year agoArticle
John Humphrys – Smoking v Calories: Has Rishi got it Wrong?
John Humphrys' weekly column for YouGov
over 1 year agoArticle
John Humphrys - The NHS: Less Public… More Private?
So what do you think of the NHS? Have your own experiences of it made you despair and do you welcome the possibility of “going private” without having to pay an enormous bill? Or has your own treatment made you grateful for a system that is there when you need it without even having to think about the cost?
almost 2 years agoArticle
The Pharmacist Will See You Now… Maybe!
How do you feel about consulting your pharmacist for a condition that might have seen you making an appointment with your GP?
almost 2 years agoArticle
One in eight Britons turned to private healthcare in the last 12 months
The median private healthcare spend was £500
almost 2 years agoArticle
Half of Britons who needed to see a GP recently didn’t or couldn't do so
Health problems worsened for 16% of the Britons who say they were unable or unwilling to see their doctor
almost 2 years agoArticle
Positivity towards the government’s handling of the economy is ticking up
The proportion of Britons who think the government is handling the economy well has grown, while headline grabbing immigration policies do little to shift public opinion
almost 2 years agoArticle
One in ten Britons have performed dentistry on themselves, half in the last two years
Britons report pulling their own teeth out and making their own dentures
almost 2 years agoArticle
Six in ten Britons believe it should be illegal to discriminate against menopausal women
Half of the British public say employers should be made to offer paid time off to those suffering menopause symptoms
about 2 years agoArticle
John Humphrys - Dying well: Who should choose?
Have you ever given any thought to your own death or that of your nearest and dearest?
about 2 years ago