Voting Intention: Con 33%, Lab 22%, Lib Dem 21%, Brex 12% (28-29 Aug)

August 30, 2019, 10:19 AM GMT+0

Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention figures

Following the news that Parliament will be prorogued in September, the latest YouGov voting intention survey sees the Conservatives continue to hold on to their double-digit lead over Labour. The Tories are on 33% (from 34% immediately prior to the prorogation news) while Labour's voter share remains unchanged at 22%. The Lib Dems vote share has reverted to a more consistent level of 21%, having dropped to 17% in the previous survey.

Elsewhere, the Brexit Party holds 12% of the vote (from 13%) and the Greens likewise have 7% (from 8%).

The survey also shows that Britons are not happy with the actions of the government, with 53% saying that proroguing Parliament is unacceptable. Only a third (31%) think the move is acceptable, although this figure includes 59% of Leave voters, 71% of those who intend to vote Conservative and 76% of those who back the Brexit Party.

When it comes to resolving Britain's ongoing Brexit deadlock, the public is as divided as its representatives. Proposals to replace the current Conservative government with a cross-party government that will delay Brexit long enough to hold a general election are supported by 41% but opposed by 43%.

Likewise, proposals to pass a law forcing Boris Johnson to seek a Brexit deadline if the UK were otherwise to leave the EU without a deal are supported by 41% of Brits and opposed by 42%.

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