18-24 year olds: generation aspiration?
18-24 year olds are more likely to emphasise the importance of their career in the next 10 years – and much more likely to consider creating a bucket list than the older generations
12 Jun 2014Article
Farage turns 50, but public think he's older
To mark UKIP leader Nigel Farage’s 50th birthday last week (Thursday 3rd April) YouGov polled over 2000 British adults to see if they knew how old the main political figures are. Overall, most of the politicians were thought to be younger than their age, except for Farage. Respondents were ...
09 Apr 2014Article
Women under-represented in Oscar nominations say one-fifth
One in five (20%) of all respondents in a new YouGov poll say that women are being overlooked in Oscar nominations and more effort should be made to recognise their efforts in the film industry. The biggest night in the film industry's calender, the Oscars, take place this Sunday night ...
28 Feb 2014