Protecting Julian Assange: Ecuador right or wrong to do so? You gave your assessment
In the days following the Wikileaks founder's statement, we asked you to assess a) Ecuador's decision to house Assange, and b) whether or not UK police should step over the Embassy's threshold to make their arrest
30 Aug 2012Article
Harry’s antics: the real issue?
What did you think was more of an issue? That Prince Harry was naked at a party in Las Vegas – or these photographs were made public? Read the Labs break down
24 Aug 2012Article
Boris on wire: Reactions from the panel...
YouGov panellists took part in Labs to react to the image of the London Mayor, suspended in the air
08 Aug 2012Article
Nowhere to hide? Panellists argue over making real, full names a blanket rule online
With YouTube, the video-sharing hub making a move to encourage users to post with their real, full names, we wondered how panellists would feel about making this a broadbrush policy. Read how those who took part debated it here
02 Aug 2012Article
Bella Diem’s alternative music project: your feedback to the band
Acoustic five-piece, Bella Diem, paired up with MusicLab to conduct a survey with an alternative edge – and find out what YouGov panellists coming to their music for the first time, made of it
25 Jul 2012Article
A world of Shakespeare: a ghostly tale, a donkey's head, and starcross'd lovers
Why Macbeth, A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Romeo and Juliet are MediaLabbers' favourite Shakespeare plays
19 Jul 2012Article
Alcohol warnings: do we need them?
The UK Faculty of Public Health thinks alcohol labelling should carry highly-visible health warnings on bottles and cans. We asked you to express your support or opposition to the idea, and why this was...
18 Jul 2012Article
Happy shiny people: the things that make you happy
We got you talking about the things that bring you happiness, as International Happiness day came and went
17 Jul 2012Article
Housing headache? YouGov panellists give their perspectives on London living
Two months on from Boris’ reinstatement as London Mayor, we look at YouGov panellists’ experiences of finding – and keeping – somewhere to live in the capital. Do their experiences resonate with yours?
06 Jul 2012Article
Moved by Monet; Passionate about Paolo - YouGov's unique art survey
An experimental art project gets YouGov art-lovers working with the National Gallery's Senior Curator, David Jaffe
14 May 2012