Kamala Harris
Explore the latest public opinion about Kamala Harris
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Regardless of who you personally want to win, do you think Kamala Harris or Donald Trump are going to win the US presidential election?
Updated on 05/11/2024
Kamala Harris
Donald Trump
Who do Europeans want to win the 2024 US presidential election?
By Matthew Smith
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With tuition fees set to rise again, most recent graduates already consider university bad value for money
By Kate Brooksbank
Where public opinion stands at the beginning of 2025
By Matthew Smith
Would you support or oppose the NHS increasing its use of private sector health providers to bring down waiting times, with care remaining free at the point-of-use?
Updated on 06/01/2025
Somewhat support
Strongly support
Britain's mood, measured weekly
Are Brits considering paying an additional carbon offsetting fee when buying a flight to reduce the impact of their travel plans on the environment?
Are Brits considering taking holidays closer to home to reduce their flight times and the impact of their travel plans on the environment?
Are Brits considering choosing eco-friendly hotels to reduce the impact of their travel plans on the environment?
Are Brits considering taking holiday in the UK instead of abroad to reduce the impact of their travel plans on the environment?
Are Brits considering taking fewer holidays to reduce the impact of their travel plans on the environment?
Life satisfaction, measured weekly
With Trump re-elected, what do Europeans think is in store for Ukraine?
By Matthew Smith