Voting Intention: Con 25%, Lab 44% (19-20 Jul 2023)

July 26, 2023, 11:25 AM GMT+0

Latest YouGov Westminster voting intention figures

The latest YouGov/Times voting intention poll shows the Conservatives on 25% of the vote (no change from our previous survey on 10-11 July) to Labour's 44% (+1).

Elsewhere, the Liberal Democrats have 10% of the vote (-1), while the Greens have 7% (no change) and Reform UK have 8% of the vote (also no change).

Keir Starmer's continues to lead Rishi Sunak on the question of who would make the best prime minister. Three in ten (31%) say Starmer would make the better PM of the pair (-3 from the last time we asked, on 5-6 July), compared to 23% for Sunak (-1). More than four in ten are unsure (44%).

See full tables here

Picture: Getty

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