How many friends do you have?

Hannah ThompsonYouGovLabs and UK Public Opinion Website Editor
April 18, 2012, 4:16 PM GMT+0

Poll: Most UK adults have just 5 'core' friends; 19% UK adult social media 'friends' are real life friends

How many 'true' friends would you say you have?

Our poll of UK adults has found that while over three quarters of online 18 to 24 year olds have over 100 'friends' on social media accounts, over half of this age group feel that behind every successful person, there is a key circle of just five core people.

Indeed, nearly two thirds of UK online adults with social media accounts believe that only one in five, or fewer, of the people that they have as 'friends' on social media websites can be considered true friends in real life, and over half of all UK adults believe they only have five friends or fewer who they can count on in a crisis for advice and support.

  • 76% of online 18 to 24 year olds have over 100 'friends' on social media accounts
  • But 54% of this group say that a successful person has a key circle of only five people
  • And 61% of UK online adults with social media accounts believe that only 19% or less of people that they know on social media websites can be considered true friends
  • Nearly half (42%) believe that less than 10% are true friends.
  • 64% of UK adults say that they have five or fewer friends who they can go to for advice or support

Success and role models

While almost two in five (37%) of all UK adults say that their successes in life are due to their own merits, over a third (38%) say that it is mostly due to these 'core' friends in their life.

Although today's society often stands accused of too much celebrity-worship, our poll found that over nine out of ten (90%) UK adults believe that friends and family provide better role models than celebrities.

Having said that, however, the poll shows that over double the amount of men (10%) to women (4%), find celebrities inspiring.

See the survey details and full results here