Over half of adults in Great Britain have been a victim of crime according to a poll commissioned by the Sun. The survey reported that 60% of respondents had been a victim of crime, with 31% of those claiming to have been a victim within the past ten years.
Vehicle crime (42%) and burglary (42%) were most commonly reported offences, followed by anti-social behaviour (18%), pick pocketing or mugging (15%) and vandalism (14%). Despite recent media purporting that knife crime is rife in the nation’s cities, only one percent of victims identified themselves as a victim of this. Despite the comparatively low figure, the majority of the British public would like tougher legislation to combat knife crime, with three quarters stating that they would support legislation to impose a compulsory jail term for carrying a knife. Interestingly, one in five 18 to 34 year-olds opposes this proposition.
However, when asked what the best way to tackle knife crime would be, only 46% of the public said that a compulsory jail term would in fact be the right way forward, followed by 26% who feel that there needs to be more police resources to tackle gang culture. Education, as opposed to tough legislation, was also supported: 24% think educating children about the dangers of knife crime is the best way to combat this type of violence.
In total, 54% feel that crime had risen since Labour was elected in 1997, and of these, an overwhelming 87% feel the ‘justice system is too soft’, as well as citing a ‘lack of discipline in schools’ (79%), ‘the breakdown of the family unit’ (74%) , a ‘lack of community spirit’(64%) and rising unemployment (45%) as other key factors.
For survey details and results, please click here