Loud and clear

Hannah ThompsonYouGovLabs and UK Public Opinion Website Editor
January 13, 2011, 1:37 AM GMT+0

Recent Colin Firth release, The King’s Speech, is seeing high volume scores and extremely positive comments on TellYouGov, meaning that panellists are not only flocking to talk about it, but also that nearly all of them have something good to say.

The topic ‘The King’s Speech’ has featured in the leaderboard top ten for the past week, and at the time of writing, has risen several places on volume score alone with a respectable score of 101, up 38 points in the past two days . Similarly, the popularity of the film, which also stars Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter (pictured), is evident, with a very high sentiment score of 96, up 37 points in the past 48 hours.

This makes it the most popular topic, let alone film, of the entire board.

The few negative comments received about the film are hardly scathing; indeed some even include grudging praise.

Directed by Tom Hooper, The King’s Speech tells the true story of King George VI, who unexpectedly came to the throne in 1936 following the abdication of his elder brother Edward after leaving to marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson. Having struggled with a debilitating stutter for most of his life, George is now plunged headlong into a position where he is expected to make regular speeches, often to the nation via the ‘wireless’. Initially overcome by fear and frustration, at the behest of his wife (Helena Bonham Carter) George reluctantly enlists the help of unqualified Australian speech therapist Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush), whose unconventional methods coax the King to speechmaking success.

And if our panellists are anything to go by, it seems The King’s Speech is truly being heard.

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