In the past decade, there has been increasing talk about “staycation” – that is, people staying in the UK for their holidays instead of going overseas. But what marks out staycationers from those who holiday abroad? YouGov Profiles allows us to analyse where and how the two groups differ.
What about their outlook on travel?
Staycationers tend to be less enthusiastic about the idea of going to places than those who go abroad - with just 37% saying that they are passionate about travelling compared to 72% those who leave Britain. Linked to this, those who holiday domestically are less inclined to say that ‘going on an adventure’ makes them ‘joyful’ (18% vs. 33%) and it is a similar picture when it comes to ‘seeing a new place’ (28% vs. 44%).
Understandably, they are not fond of package holidays. Close to four in ten (37%) say they would never think of going on one (against 20%).
However, stacationers are more likely to be creatures of habit. Over half (51%) say that they usually go back to the same places on holiday (compared to 35% of overseas visitors).
What influences choice?
Those who holiday domestically are far less likely to say that the weather in their destination influences where they stay (12% vs. 38%). This group are slightly more likely to go on a holiday that takes in mountains, lakes or the countryside (24% vs. 18%) and are also more inclined to choose camping or caravanning trips (22% vs. 12%). Staycationers are less likely to seek out city breaks (31% vs. 49%) and beach holidays (31% vs. 44%). Instead, they are more likely to take in areas of outstanding natural beauty on their trips (22% vs 18%).
Cautious spenders
Domestic holidaymakers take a careful approach to financial matters. They are more likely to take into account news about finance and the economy before making big purchases (52% vs. 44%) and approaching eight (78%) in ten believe they manage their finances well, against just over seven in ten (72%) of overseas travellers.
They are cautious spenders when on holiday, too. Over six in ten (63%) stick to a strict budget when on vacation (compared to 54%), and while over four in ten (43%) of overseas travellers say they are generally excited to spend more when going on holiday, only 35% of domestic holidaymakers agree.
How to appeal to them
Certain traditional advertising channels for holiday companies may not appeal to this group. Our data indicates that nearing two-thirds (65%) say that newspaper and magazine travel articles have no bearing on their choice of holiday.
Instead, targeting this group should be predicated on accurately representing how they see themselves. Over half (54%) of staycationers say that they don’t see their lifestyle represented enough in advertising (against 42%) and more than four in ten (43%) believe they are much more likely to engage with adverts that are tailored to them (vs. 34%).
Our data also indicates that while this group prefers to holiday within the British Isles that is not to say they don’t consider overseas trips now and again. North America is in fact the destination that this group would like to visit most, with 15% saying the US, and 14% highlighting Canada. However, home holidaymakers are more likely than average to select Ireland and Scottish Highlands. Of course, persuading a group that are more cautious with their holiday spend remains a challenge.
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