Latest YouGov referendum voting intention figures show the highest No lead since August 2014
With Nicola Sturgeon putting Scottish independence back on the table at a speech earlier this week, the results of the latest Times/YouGov Scottish independence survey now show a headline voting intention of 57% for No and 43% for Yes.

This is the highest No lead since August 2014 when the referendum campaign was in full swing.
It is worth noting, however, that 16% of Scots say they don’t know how they would vote - the highest proprtion since October 2012. This group do not count towards the headline voting intention figure.
The majority of Scots (53%) also don’t want to see the Scottish government campaigning for independence over the next two years. That said, were Theresa May to try and stymie a second referendum, it would not go down with a plurality of voters in Scotland. If Nicola Sturgeon did call another referendum 46% of Scots think the ballot should be allowed to go ahead, compared to 42% who think it should be blocked.
Photo: PA