In intelligence, Khan beats Trump, Cameron beats Corbyn (according to voters)
In perceived intelligence, Cameron and Osborne trail Thatcher – while Miliband and Corbyn trail Blair
23 May 2016Article
America 'was wrong' to drop the A-bomb – British public
British people tend to say America was wrong to drop two nuclear weapons on Japan in 1945 – but Americans tend to defend their actions
19 May 2016Article
Labour members increasingly bullish on Corbyn's chances
Most Labour Party members now think they will win the next general election under Jeremy Corbyn – as his job approval rises by 11 points on November
17 May 2016Article
Beyond the campaign: Britain seen as MORE influential in Europe
Looking beyond the headline referendum campaign numbers, one trend stands out: in 2016 people are more likely than ever to think Britain is influential in European affairs
16 May 2016Article
Only 2% of young men feel completely masculine (compared to 56% of over 65s)
Younger generations of British people don't see themselves as completely masculine or feminine - and 'masculinity' tends to be seen as a negative word by young men
13 May 2016Article
Facebook seen as a left-wing echo chamber
People from all parts of the political spectrum say they see more news from left-wing sources than from right-wing sources on their Facebook feed
12 May 2016Article
Britain 'was greatest in the sixties'
1945 and 1966 are the years people are most likely to say Britain was at its greatest – and the '60s is seen as the greatest decade
10 May 2016Article
Trust in Boris slides as campaign heats up
Boris Johnson has suffered a significant fall in public trust in the debate over Britain's membership of the European Union
09 May 2016Article
Mayor Boris: the public verdict
Most Londoners say Boris has done a good job as mayor and few expect Khan to do better – but many say London life is worse than 8 years ago
05 May 2016Article
Eurovision referendum: Leave lead at 20
Excluding don't knows and wouldn't votes Leave has a 20 point lead over Remain in a hypothetical referendum on Britain's membership of the Eurovision Song Contest
02 May 2016