Marcus is Director of International Projects at YouGov. He previously worked for the Labour Party in the UK and the Democratic Party in the US as well as for a number of think tanks and campaigning groups across Europe and America. He tweets as @marcusaroberts.
What would it take for Labour to win a General Election? A new leader, and a new Brexit policy
Jeremy Corbyn faces increasing pressure to shift Labour’s stance on Brexit. Many Remainers believe this would spark a revival of Labour fortunes. But are they correct? YouGov’s latest survey explores the results of various policy shifts.
28 Jun 2019Article
It’s Brexit, not Boris, that saves the Tory party
Choosing Boris Johnson over Jeremy Hunt is only worth 2-4 percentage points of extra vote share, but either candidate delivering Brexit would provide the party a 12-14 point boost
21 Jun 2019Article
Forget 52%. The rise of the “Re-Leavers” mean the pro-Brexit electorate is 68%
While the EU referendum result may have ended up 52/48, post-referendum politics have settled into something far less evenly balanced. The rise of the “Re-Leavers” – those who voted to Remain in the EU but think that the government has a duty to leave – mean that the Conservatives are fishing in a massive lake, while the other parties are casting their rods into a pond
12 May 2017Article
Do manifestos matter?
Much will be made of the popularity of parties’ manifesto pledges, but ultimately they are much less important to how people vote than other factors like leadership and core values
12 May 2017Article
A “progressive alliance”: Could it work?
A progressive alliance could get good support among left-of-centre voters but would likely pile up votes where they are not needed
20 Apr 2017Article
Remain or Leave? What the numbers below the headlines tell us about the outcome
Are there any clues in the numbers below the surface to indicate which way voters might lean on June 23?
14 Jun 2016Article
TV’s big role in shifting the EU undecideds
With the polls suggesting that the EU referendum is too close to call at the moment, much of Britain's European fate lies in the hands of the voters who still haven't firmly made up their minds. Recent estimates suggest that there are as many as four million voters still undecided ...
07 Jun 2016Article
Mayoral election: who are London’s undecided voters?
Over 15% of London's likely voters have yet to decide which mayoral candidate they will vote for – who are they and what might the campaigns do to win them over?
28 Apr 2016