Black Friday shoppers overwhelmingly plan to shop online as only essential shops remain open across Britain
There is unlikely to be any footage of eager shoppers fighting over discounted TVs on Black Friday this year. But the national lockdown isn’t putting people off. Two in five people (40%) plan to bag a discount during the sales period – which is in line with last year when 39% of Britons participated.
The four in ten Black Friday shoppers are mostly composed of people who say they will only shop online (32%). Just 1% expect to exclusively shop in-store and one in fourteen (7%) say they will do both.
Slightly more than four in ten Britons (44%) say they won’t do any Black Friday bargain hunting this year, while another one in six Britons (16%) are undecided.

Younger people are the keenest Black Friday and Cyber Monday shoppers, with nearly three in five 18- to 24-year-olds (58%) planning to take part. This includes 11% who will go to a physical store either in addition to shopping online (7%) or will shop in-store exclusively (4%).
Half of Britons aged 25 to 49 (51%) also expect to buy discounted items, including one in ten (10%) who will shop online and in-store (9%) or in-store only (1%).
Older people are less likely to go bargain-hunting, although even among those aged 65 and over a fifth (21%) plan to take advantage of Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals.
Social grade also appears to be an indicator of how likely Britons are to partake in the sales period. People in grade ABC1, which predominantly includes those in professional occupations, are keener at 45%, while C2DEs, who often do manual work, are less likely to join in at 36%.