Primesight wanted to reach respondents who were aware of InLinkUK - free standing units providing superfast WiFi, charging facilities, local information as well as a unique advertising space across city centres.
The InLinkUK is a joint venture between Primesight and British Telecoms, providing the ‘phone boxes of the future’ to UK cities. With a rapid rollout plan across the UK, Primesight commissioned YouGov’s targeted Field and Tab product to survey InLink’s live locations; nine London boroughs and Leeds city centre, in order to gauge the perception and usage by members of the public.
In order to meet their objectives, Primesight were interested in reaching any respondent who may be aware of the InLink, particularly users of the machines. Using YouGov’s Field and Tab targeted research, Primesight surveyed 1,300 respondents who either live or work in the target areas where InLink is currently active, maximising the chances of reaching their target audience. Although the InLink machines are a fairly new feature (launched in 2017), the targeted sample meant that Primesight had a robust sample of users to analyse.
The unique opportunity to access the experiences and perceptions of users and non-users allowed Primesight to evaluate not only trends in internet access and use overall, but the public’s interest in the new machines, as well as what they felt InLink brings to the high-street.
The data showed strong support for the initiative, providing valuable insight that can be used as InLinkUK enters its next phase of roll out.
Client Testimonial
“It was imperative for our business to explore in more depth the consumer understanding and usage of this product. YouGov worked tirelessly at retrieving the usage data within a refined audience segment in order for us to make informed strategic decisions about not only it’s marketing, but more widely it’s development across the UK moving forward.”
- Lisa West, Product Marketing Manager
About the brand
Primesight is one of the broadest reaching outdoor media owners in the UK, providing large-scale billboard advertising to unique digital advertising.
Solution delivered by: YouGov Field and Tab (Targeted Research)