'Young people should get advice from family'

March 18, 2010, 11:25 PM GMT+0

It is clear from some optional questions that we ran recently that family structures are very important in British people’s opinion of where young people should get advice on careers, relationships, and life decisions.

93% of respondents said that they should get advice from parents. 57% thought it should come from friends, 33% from government services, and 29% from non-religious charities.

Only 16% thought that young people should turn to religious sources for guidance on these important issues.

When we asked where people thought young people actually were getting their advice from, the results were very different. 78% said they were getting it from friends, while only 52% thought it was coming from parents.

Government sources (22%), non-religious charities (13%), and religious sources (11%) were deemed even less relevant.

A version of this story originally appeared here