Guide Dogs
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Macmillan tops YouGov’s CharityIndex rankings
By YouGov
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Do you think that the benefit system offers too much support, too little support or about the right amount of support for working-age people who are long-term sick?
Updated on 10/03/2025
Too little support
Too much support
How Brits feel about the tobacco industry
How many hours Brits sleep at night
When seeing a doctor, do you generally prefer to be seen by a male doctor or a female doctor?
Updated on 06/03/2025
Not bothered
Female doctor
If you thought a friend smelt bad on a regular basis, would you or would you not tell them?
Updated on 05/03/2025
I would probably tell them
I would definitely tell them
Do you support or oppose the NHS prescribing comedy-based interventions, such as stand-up shows and comedy workshops, to reduce the amount of anti-depressants that are prescribed?
Updated on 20/02/2025
Somewhat support
Strongly oppose
How much discrimination, if any, do you feel that older Britons face on account of their age?
Updated on 19/02/2025
A fair amount of discrimination
Not very much discrimination
Smoking among Brits
Do you think adverts for clothing and fashion should or should not be allowed to feature models who are or appear to be unhealthily underweight?
Updated on 12/02/2025
Should not
How safe Brits feel walking on the street in their area
Do Brits think vaccines have harmful effects which are not being disclosed?
How do MPs’ views on drugs policy compare to the British public’s?
By Matthew Smith