Commonwealth Games ‘a farce’

September 23, 2010, 7:49 PM GMT+0

News of problems with health and safety standards at the Commonwealth Games site in Delhi has caused the topic’s TellYouGov scores to shift dramatically. This comes as England, Wales and Scotland cast doubt over their participation in the games just ten days before they are due to begin.

  • The sentiment score has fallen to -85, a 53 point drop in the past 24 hours
  • The volume score of the topic is up to 133, up 53 points in the past 24 hours
  • Some people encourage the event’s organisers to give ‘one last push’ to clean up the facilities
  • But others say that holding the Games in ‘third world conditions’ is a joke
  • One said ‘It doesn't seem safe or hygienic and I think our team should pull out’
  • While another commented ‘It’s time this second rate event was cancelled’
  • Another user, or ‘tygger’, called the event a ‘farce’ and said that the Games had ‘failed before they even started’.
  • A few remain optimistic, saying they ‘hope all goes well’ and predict the Games will ‘go ahead despite some problems.’

Unfit for human habitation?

The past week has seen an escalation of complaints in response to widespread reports that the site is unfit to receive the 6,500 athletes planned to take part in the Games. Last Tuesday a pedestrian bridge near the main stadium collapsed, injuring 27 people, while on Wednesday a section of the false ceiling in the main stadium gave way. Several countries have also expressed anger at the state of accommodation in the athletes’ village, which reportedly has walls without plaster, extremely dirty bathrooms and some rooms deep in water, and has been described as ‘unfit for human habitation.’ Incidentally, these Games are reportedly the most expensive in the history of the event, costing India between $3bn and $10bn.

Teams Scotland and Jersey have already delayed their departure to the Games, while the Wales team organisers are about to begin crisis talks with the Indian Prime Minister. Other teams, though, including parts of the England team, have started to fly out to Delhi.

Perhaps this clearly last-minute maintenance is what prompted one tygger to ask the question on everyone’s lips: ‘Will India be able to pull it off?’