Beside the seaside

Hannah ThompsonYouGovLabs and UK Public Opinion Website Editor
August 10, 2010, 10:30 PM GMT+0

A quarter of Brits (25%) decided to stay loyal to their country and take their main holiday in Britain last year, and a similar number (28%) will do so again this year, a recent poll for the Sunday Times has found.

And while one in five (20%) say that ‘the weather’ is the most important factor when deciding on holiday plans, 55% say that cost is the most important factor in when deciding where to go. But holidaymakers looking to have a ‘staycation’ in a bid to cut costs may have to rethink their finances: 48% feel that holidays in Britain are ‘bad value’, compared to 35% who think they’re ‘good value’ for money. Accordingly, 52% feel that holidaying abroad is cheaper than doing so in Britain (14%). (26%, though, would say it’s about the same.)

And the desire to jet off is by no means uniform around the country. Nearly half (46%) of Londoners are hoping to holiday abroad whereas only 32% of people in the rest of the South will be getting out their passports this summer. Scots are the least likely to be planning a trip away, with 40% saying that they will ‘not take a summer holiday’ this year, compared to 33% of the population as a whole.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, young people across the country will be the most likely to show off sun-kissed limbs: 42% of 18 to 29 year olds say their main holiday will be abroad, in comparison to 34% of their older counterparts (over 60s).

Survey details and full results