Every girl’s fairytale wedding?

Hannah ThompsonYouGovLabs and UK Public Opinion Website Editor
April 15, 2011, 11:33 PM GMT+0

Despite the fanfare surrounding the most famous nuptials on the planet, two thirds of British women would have no desire to marry Prince William if he asked them, our latest (slightly tongue-in-cheek, we admit) poll shows.

  • 66% of British women, if they were single and of an appropriate age, and, clearly, in possession of a proposal, would say no
  • Only 24% would say yes

This may come as a surprise to some, including the media itself, which has branded the union of Prince William and Kate Middleton as the ‘wedding of the century’, describing it as every girl’s fairytale, amid an ever-growing whirlwind of stories fascinated with all things royal, wedding, and Middleton.

That seems a far cry from what the British public really thinks though, with more women keen on merely watching the proceedings than wishing they were actually part of them (another one of our polls, from last weekend, showed that 47% of British women are intending to watch the ceremony on television, compared to 23% of men).

With just fifteen days remaining for the wedding, media focus has intensified on every aspect of the affair. And while there is no doubt that many onlookers will be dazzled by the lavish festivities, it seems that most women would rather observe and be happy for Miss Middleton than vie to be in her soon-to-be-royal shoes.

See the survey details and full results here