Panellists pan Price

Hannah ThompsonYouGovLabs and UK Public Opinion Website Editor
January 18, 2011, 2:25 AM GMT+0

Tabloid favourite Katie Price has risen high on the TellYouGov leaderboard in recent days as speculation surrounding her crumbling marriage to cage fighter Alex Reid continues.

Price, otherwise known as glamour model Jordan, is a leaderboard regular, as panellists repeatedly flock to comment on her highly-publicised antics. Her volume score has rocketed anew in the past week, up to 209 in volume in the past 24 hours, alongside a dim sentiment score of -156 in the same time frame. Put simply, this means that increasing numbers of panellists have come to comment negatively about the model, ‘author’, TV reality star and businesswoman.

The media storm surrounding the state of Price’s second marriage to cage fighter Alex Reid appears to have provoked most of the rancour, as the story rumbles on amid fresh allegations that Price is furious over photographs showing Alex Reid play-fighting with her son Junior.

Panellists are extremely frustrated by the constant media coverage of the model, and keen to point out that they are fed up of hearing about what they deem continuous ‘publicity stunts’.

Many have complained simply about the level of media attention the model receives.

  • "Never want to see or hear about her again"
  • "Who on earth is interested? Why does she dominate every single magazine when "normal" people are not the slightest bit interested?"
  • "Sick of seeing her face in the papers and hearing about her"
  • "Enough of her car crash life"

Others are more focused on the individual twists in the Alex Reid tale…

  • "We all knew marrying Alex was a publicity stunt..."
  • "Nothing like a rumoured divorce to bring in those much desired column inches!"
  • "Who really cares about her sham of a marriage?"
  • "Stop attention-seeking and get on with your marriage or split up already!"

While some see Price as a sign of the times and lament the constant media coverage of ‘non-news’.

  • "What we've let our country become!
  • "Whoever spends money on her clearly has not a single brain cell of merit"
  • "She should be banned from all forms of media, papers, radio, TV, magazines"
  • "We shouldn't be encouraging such a circus"

Some are more sympathetic though, with a modicum of understanding for the spotlighted star.

  • "I like her positive attitude"
  • "If people didn't buy the trash mags/newspapers, they wouldn’t print the lies"
  • "She is just a target of bullying by media and journalists"
  • "I’ll say this for her, she is the best at marketing herself"

And while it’s clear Price lacks popularity, the irony is that panellists’ focus on her constant presence actually means she’s unlikely to go anywhere any time soon…on the TellYouGov leaderboard at the very least.

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