The current cold spell which continues to beset the UK with travel problems just days before Christmas has caused panellists to flock to TellYouGov to express their grievances.
The topic ‘Weather’ has careered up the leaderboard, remaining in respectable third place with a volume score of 176, while seeing a dismal score of -95 (and still declining, having decreased by 13 points in the past 24 hours).
Predictably, as more panellists, or ‘tyggers’, come to comment, the less popular the weather seems to be, with complaints about travel disruption and its inevitable consequences, and problems with councils dominating the board alongside tyggers who are simply ‘fed up’ with the cold.
However, some are more cheerful and are enjoying the snow, with others commending those, such as postal workers, who are managing to do their jobs in challenging conditions.
With only habitual leaderboard leaders Prime Minister David Cameron, Deputy PM Nick Clegg and widely talked-about ITV show ‘The X Factor’ rivalling the ‘Weather’ topic score, it looks like the freezing conditions will be settling over TellYouGov for some time yet.
Have your say: The TellYouGov keyword for this topic is 'Weather'
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