Feeding Father Christmas

December 04, 2010, 4:00 PM GMT+0

It looks like Santa Claus will be going hungry in many a house this year as the majority of the British public has no intention of leaving out any food for him when he comes down their chimney. The kind-hearted few who do are most likely to be offering Santa their mince pies.

  • 67% of people will not be upholding the tradition of leaving food out for Father Christmas

  • 20% will be leaving out mince pies to reward Santa for his hard work
  • The reindeers will also get some treats from the public as 15% intend to leave out carrots and 11% will pour out some milk
  • If it’s a night-time tipple Santa’s after he’ll have to reach the six percent who intend to leave him a glass, not forgetting the two percent who’ll be donating port this Christmas.

See the survey details and full results here