Foodie favourites

Hannah ThompsonYouGovLabs and UK Public Opinion Website Editor
November 12, 2010, 12:15 AM GMT+0

Jamie Oliver is the most valued source of new recipe ideas after immediate family members, and is the most valued celebrity chef when it comes to culinary inspiration, our online poll of 1,155 British adults has found.

Celeb chefs

  • 13% most value the ideas and suggestions of immediate family members when it comes to cooking.
  • 8% look to Jamie Oliver, celebrity chef, restaurateur and healthy food campaigner when choosing a recipe
  • 6% favour the advice of a friend
  • 6% log on to the BBC Food website for their fill of tasty tips
  • 6% covet the culinary creations of the tried and tested Delia Smith
  • Others look to their partner for dinnertime inspiration (5%), followed by extended family members (4%), Gordon Ramsay (4%), Nigella Lawson (3%) and BBC Saturday Kitchen presenter James Martin (2%).
  • 5% said they get their ideas from elsewhere entirely (‘other’), and 19% said that they didn’t value any sources most.

Jamie Oliver is especially popular among the 40 to 59 year-old age group, of which one in ten (10%) would value his opinion most. However, it seems that home really is where the heart is for young people, with 20% of those aged 18 to 24 looking to a member of their immediate family for inspirational ideas, compared to 6% who look to Jamie and to just 1% who would consult Delia Smith.

See the survey details and full table of results