The Duchess of Cambridge went into labour in the early hours of this morning, marking the imminent arrival of the Royal Baby.
Unsurprisingly, news that Kate had gone into labour spread rapidly on social media sites.
Using YouGov’s social media analysis tool, SoMA, we can see that so far a staggering 75.4% of Twitter users have heard a mention of the ‘Royal Baby’, compared to just 24.1% yesterday.
Similarly, we can see that there was also a significant increase in reach on Facebook, with 26.2% of that network’s users having heard a mention of the Royal Baby today, compared to just 4% yesterday.

What is perhaps most interesting is the different demographic audiences that were exposed on Twitter and Facebook, particularly across gender.
On Twitter 49% of those who have heard about the Royal Baby are female, while on Facebook a more significant 65% are female.