Awareness of photo ID requirement reached 94% a week ahead of 2024 general election

Matthew SmithHead of Data Journalism
July 02, 2024, 6:00 AM GMT+0

Two thirds support requiring photo ID in order to vote

Having been first introduced in 2022, rules requiring voters to provide photographic ID in order to vote have proved controversial in some quarters.

The latest YouGov tracker data, conducted on 27-28 June, found that 94% people were now aware that photographic ID is required in order to vote. That figure had been 76% when YouGov first asked in April 2023, ahead of that year’s local elections.

Where young people had previously been significantly less likely to be aware of the rules than their elders, this gap has now completely closed – only between 4-7% of each age group are unaware of the photo ID requirement.

While the principle of requiring photo ID in order to vote has come in for criticism, most Britons are supportive – as they have been since its introduction. Two thirds (68%) say they support having a photo ID requirement to vote, compared to 25% who are opposed.

Most across all ages and social groups support the rule, with the exception of Green voters who are opposed by 56% to 40%.

See the full results here

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Photo: Getty