General election 2024: BBC debate snap poll

Matthew SmithHead of Data Journalism
June 26, 2024, 8:30 PM GMT+0

Tonight saw Rishi Sunak take on Keir Starmer in the final of three debates ahead of 4 July. Now a snap YouGov poll of 1,716 viewers reveals how people feel each party leader performed, and who they think came across best.

In a repeat of our snap poll following the ITV debate, the results are neck and neck. Debate viewers are split 50-50 on whether the Conservative or Labour leader performed best.

Asked how well each individual politician performed, slightly more say Starmer did a good job (61%) than Sunak (56%).

On personal characteristics, Keir Starmer beat his Tory rival on trustworthiness, likeability, and in touch with ordinary people. The two are tied 41-42 on 'prime ministerial'.

On the issues, Starmer is seen by more as having performed better on welfare and Britain's relationship with the EU, while Sunak had the upper hand on immigration and tax. The two received similar levels of support on the economy.

When it comes to how they felt about the debate, the main experience was one of frustration - 62% of viewers used the term to describe the show. Second is "interesting" on 40%, and "vague" and "engaging" tie for third at 26%.

See the full results here

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Photo: BBC