Parliamentary authorities announced this week that one of the UK’s most iconic landmarks, the ‘Big Ben’ Clock Tower at Westminster, would be renamed The Elizabeth Tower as a tribute to the Queen in the year of her Diamond Jubilee.
The proposal was backed by most MPs and the leaders of the three main parties, but here in YouGov’s PoliticsLab we wanted to hear your views on the proposed change.
Of those who took part in the discussion in Labs, an overwhelming proportion said they were opposed to changing the Clock Tower’s name.
- Participants who held this view said thatthe name Big Ben was nearly as iconic as the tower itself, and that names of historical monuments should not be messed with.
A tiny proportion of you said you supported changing the Clock Tower’s name.
- The few participants who were in favour of the name change said that the Queen deserved the tribute in her Diamond Jubilee year.

Do you agree with Parliament’s decision to change the Clock Tower’s name?
Is there another national figure you think should have a monument renamed for them?

We asked: Do you support or oppose changing the name of the Clock Tower at Westminster in honour of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee?
VIEWPOINT: 'I OPPOSE changing the name of the Clock Tower'
“Renaming things just confuses people; what about all the books and films that refer to Big Ben? Perhaps we could do an Orwellian 1984 and have them all altered to show the new name, and arrest all people like me who still think of the old name” Ian H, Warlingham
“Everyone knows the tower at Big Ben, if they want to name something they should build something new. There is too much ‘rebranding’ anyway” Sarah, Eastbourne
“It's got a perfectly good name with history behind it already. It's a world famous landmark representing London and England – changing it is unnecessary and wrong. Elizabeth Tower sounds like something you'd find at the Tower of London, not a world famous clock” Anon

“It's known all over the world as Big Ben, changing the name would confuse everyone to no good purpose and possibly damage the tourist trade. The MPs making this suggestion are sycophantic toadies. The Queen appears to be a modest person and I suspect that she would be horrified at this idea. Far better to name a new bridge, ship, hospital, school, block of flats, or something else useful after her – not an existing landmark with a world famous name” Brenda, Newcastle upon Tyne
“It’s stupid nationalistic jingoism that will look daft in five years’ time, and is more the sort of ‘wearing the flag on your sleeve’ antics the Americans would get up to” Dee D, Yorkshire
“Big Ben is part of British/London history, and the name and how people refer to it continues the tradition. Even if they do change it officially, I doubt anyone will refer to it as anything but Big Ben anyway” Joe, Essex
VIEWPOINT: 'I SUPPORT changing the name of the Clock Tower'
“The present monarch deserves it, and at present it is only known as the clock tower, which is somewhat unimaginative” Anon
“Queen Victoria had a tower named after her. The Diamond Jubilee is an historic event for the nation, and the renaming of the tower is in recognition of that and the service and dedication the Queen has given to the nation” Anon
“Why not – 60 years is impressive changing the name will help add to her legacy” Anon

“This would be an appropriate way of ensuring that the Queen's long service is recognised for future generations” Doug S, Emsworth
“Why not – the tower will still be called Big Ben. It isn't really called Big Ben now and everyone calls it that. Queen Victoria has the other tower so Liz should get something too. She deserves it!” Anon
“The Queen has served the UK for 60 years, and will probably do so for another 10 years (I hope). She remains an example to all as hardworking, decent, family-orientated, and thrifty. She is the focal point of much of our cultural heritage, and the rallying point for our Armed Forces. No other entity would attract such loyalty” David, Cambridge

Do you agree with Parliament’s decision to change the Clock Tower’s name?
Is there another national figure you think should have a monument renamed for them?