Cycling safety

February 17, 2012, 10:00 AM GMT+0

Report on consumer attitudes to cycling finds public and cyclists agree on dangers of 'drink cycling'

A recent YouGov report on the bicycles market has revealed the scale of concern regarding road safety amongst cyclists and UK consumers, with one in three UK consumers believing that cyclists are the cause of many problems for drivers (33%). Perhaps unsurprisingly, only 1 in 5 cyclists are of the same mind.

However, both the general public and cyclists alike agree that 'drink cycling' is as bad as its 'drink driving' equivalent.

The results show that drivers’ purported disregard for designated cycle lanes is a considerable bugbear for cyclists – an issue that is not a major concern for the population as a whole.

  • 52% of cyclists agree with the statement, ‘too many cars and lorries ignore cycle lanes/park on cycle lanes’
  • Whereas only 26% of UK consumers in general agree with this view

However, there are areas of common ground between cyclists and UK consumers.

  • 81% of cyclists agree with the statement, ‘cyclists have a responsibility to respect cars and lorries and vice versa’
  • While two thirds of UK consumers similarly acknowledge the responsibilities of cyclists and drivers alike

In addition to this, ‘drink cycling’ is as much of a concern for cyclists as it is for UK consumers, with 59% of UK consumers and 60% of UK cyclists agreeing with the statement: ‘cycling under the influence of alcohol is as bad as drink driving’.

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