Update: Tonight's daily poll

March 03, 2011, 2:31 AM GMT+0

An update on tonight's daily poll result from our President, Peter Kellner

We regret there will be no daily poll tonight. From 8pm on Tuesday evening until 1am Wednesday morning, Interoute, which hosts our data gathering, suffered a power cut.

One reason why YouGov – like other clients, including the BBC, Tiscali and Air Berlin – uses Interoute is that its data centre has its own independent power supply; so power cuts should not happen. Unfortunately one did happen on this occasion. One result was that data on YouGov surveys that were live at the time were corrupted; and this problem persisted after the power supply resumed. We have decided not to take the risk of publishing data that might be defective and so decided not to publish any results this evening. We hope to resume normal service tomorrow.

See the most recent daily polling voting intention result here