Italy’s centre-left must challenge Five Star at its own game
It is now clear that the Italian election signalled widespread frustration at a whole generation of politicians. The parties which stood for parliament in 2008 collectively lost almost 13 million votes. The centre-right parties lost more than half of their votes (about nine million) and the centre-left Democratic Party lost ...
11 Mar 2013Article
The slow death of traditional party politics in Italy
The last year has witnessed the meteoric rise of populist movements in Italy that cannot be placed within traditional left-right categories. As it stands, with a national election imminent, Silvio Berlusconi’s centre-right party is bordering balkanization, coming only third in the polls, after the centre-left Democratic Party and the ...
12 Dec 2012Article
London vs. Brussels. What are the right questions?
The results of the latest poll run by YouGov in seven European countries (UK, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden and Denmark) returned a rather bleak outlook on the future of the British relationship with Europe, with 60% of Britons favouring looser relations with Europe or a full withdrawal. The rise ...
02 Apr 2012Article
EU debt crisis: embattled public opinion
The European Debt Crisis has abruptly put to the forefront the contradictions of European integration which have been simmering for decades. To put it bluntly, Europeans don’t feel ready to jump into a federal state, but they are already economically interdependent to a point of no return. A YouGov poll ...
24 Jan 2012