Britons split on physical literacy
85% say childhood obesity ‘serious problem’; Britons split on compulsory physical tests in schools
13 Dec 2011Article
Cinderella tops Xmas Panto poll
You shall go to the Panto! 15% Britons say Cinderella is best; 8% say Aladdin, 8% Snow White
12 Dec 2011Article
Athletes as role models
34% of Britons choose athletes as best role models for young people, only 3% pick footballers from list
05 Dec 2011Article
Prioritise British workers
69% say Government should do more to prioritise British candidates for UK jobs; 21% disagree
30 Nov 2011Article
Strike action opposition
Half of Brits oppose planned public sector strike action; 17% parents will take day off to look after kids
29 Nov 2011Article
‘Ban smoking in cars’
59% Brits would support ban on smoking in cars carrying passengers; 34% would support total ban
24 Nov 2011Article
Movies: This weekend's verdict
Cancer, marriage and LSD: Did any of this week's films find favour with you? Plus, next week's trailers
22 Nov 2011Article
Nothing but a number
Do you agree? Britons say ‘47’ is ‘middle aged’, and 70 is when you start to become ‘elderly’ They say that you’re only as old as you feel, but most British adults would say ‘middle age’ is 47, and ‘elderly’ age 70, our poll has found. The results come ...
18 Nov 2011Article
Reform employment laws?
38% British say employee dismissal is too difficult, 19% too easy; 31% feel balance is about right
16 Nov 2011Article
Movies: This weekend's verdict
So, which films have come top this week, and which have panellists decided to give a miss? Find out here!
15 Nov 2011