James StarkieBusiness Development Consultant
Who writes party manifestos? The view of the Public and Parliamentarians
One in five members of the public believe big business is listened to most by political parties when forming their manifesto. Do manifestos matter? Do the public ever read them? Would they believe them if they did? As the political party conference season fired the starting gun on the next ...
13 Nov 2014Article
4% of Brits oppose banning Fixed Odds Betting Terminals
Only 4% of the British public would oppose banning Fixed Odds Betting Terminals a new YouGov survey has found
06 Jun 2014Article
Energy feels the heat
Energy has been at the centre of the cost of living debate since Ed Milliband promised a price freeze for 20 months should the Labour party win the 2015 election. Subsequently Ofgem conducted a market assessment and found that there is ‘declining consumer confidence in energy companies’ while retail ...
06 Jun 2014