YouGov and the GDPR: how we’re preparing for the new requirements
The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) harmonises the data protection laws across the EU and strengthens the rights citizens have over how their personal data is used. YouGov welcomes the introduction of the GDPR because we believe that all personal data should be handled responsibly.&Like many companies, we...
07 Mar 2018Article
If the BBC had advertising...
We take a look at the brands and products that viewers have taken to heart - and how they could be advertised on BBC shows... Because of "the unique way the BBC is funded", the Corporation doesn’t feature advertising in its programmes – and with the license fee secured till...
17 Jul 2017Article
Keeping up with the changes
For brands, big movements in popular perception happen regularly - from unexpected crises to planned product changes. Find out how these things impact on customer attitudes - and how you need to respond. If the last few months have taught us anything, it’s that change can come in an instant ...
30 Jan 2017