Now more than ever, voters might want women in charge
New data from YouGov Profiles reveals that ‘banging on about Europe’ is more of a man’s thing, and voters may be fed up
01 Jul 2016Article
Theresa May storms ahead of Boris among Tory Party membership
Boris Johnson has been overtaken by Theresa May as the Tory party's number one choice
29 Jun 2016Article
The online polls were RIGHT, and other lessons from the referendum
Only polls conducted online correctly foretold that Brexit was a real possibility, and five other things we learned about opinion polling from the EU Referendum
28 Jun 2016Article
There has been a move toward Remain, but it might not be enough
What our data tells us about the shape of the referendum campaign with two days to go
21 Jun 2016Article
Interactive: how turnout might affect the result of the EU Referendum
Explore the effects of different levels of turnout among different age and class groups on the overall result in the coming EU referendum
22 May 2016Article
Campaign Memo: It’s the economy versus immigration
Each side has an issue that it wins comfortably on with voters – the challenge for each campaign is to bring them down from the theoretical towards the real impact on people’s lives
28 Apr 2016Article
Analysis: Don’t get too comfortable – the Out campaign has turnout on their side
The consensus view on the forthcoming EU referendum is that it’s all going to be fine. The British are a cautious lot, goes the thinking, and in the end they’ll heed the prime minister’s warnings about taking ‘a leap in the dark’ and stick with the status quo. The backdrop ...
26 Feb 2016Article
'Berners' and 'Corbynistas': new coalitions of the left
The coalition of young idealists and working class left-wingers that propelled Jeremy Corbyn to victory is being repeated in the Democratic nomination battle in the US
15 Feb 2016Article
The smartphone future is a pollster’s dream
Only online polling has the tools to correct the errors of the 2015 election - and the future is increasingly mobile
19 Jan 2016Article
David Bowie: a voice that spoke to the outsider in everyone
A YouGov Profiles analysis of David Bowie’s fanbase goes to the heart of his appeal
11 Jan 2016