Katie Price’s leaderboard dominance

April 14, 2010, 8:41 PM GMT+0

The last 48 hours (not to mention the past few weeks) have seen Katie Price making waves on the TellYouGov leaderboard, with most ‘tyggers’ who choose to comment maligning the amount of media attention the controversial star receives.

The former glamour model, who was known as Jordan, sits seventh on the TellYouGov leaderboard at the time of writing, recording an impressive volume score of 165, which ranks just behind Nick Clegg (202) and ‘The General Election’ (222). Indeed, Clegg has only just managed to become more talked-about than Price, who has consistently rated higher on volume than the Liberal Democrat leader on a leaderboard that has otherwise been dominated by the election ever since its announcement on April 6th. In the wake of Price’s highly publicised divorce from Peter Andre and subsequent marriage to cage fighter Alex Reid, it seems there has been little change in the public’s attitude, with tyggers rounding up to condemn her celebrity lifestyle and even question her relevance as ‘news’.

One disgruntled tygger responded that she is ‘a manifestation of the narrow, celeb-obsessed lives which most people seem to want to lead nowadays’ while another opined that they are ‘sick to death of hearing about her and her tawdry life - will the media please give us a break from her’. Others described her as ‘attention seeking’ , ‘horrific’ and even ‘disgusting’. This level of vitriol has resulted in a score of -132, with only unpopular PM Gordon Brown doing worse at -294.

However, there are a select few who remain loyal to the reality star. One respondent described her as a ‘fab mum and a great role model’ while another claimed she was ‘a good mum and a good business woman’. But such compliments are few and far between among the overwhelmingly negative ‘tygs’.

The great irony of Katie Price-bashing is that the more one complains of the media attention she receives, the more the media are likely to retain an interest in the star. For Katie Price at least, it seems that any publicity is good publicity.

To see what people are telling us right now about any given subject, go to the LIVE TellYouGov leaderboard and search for a topic by typing a keyword into the ‘Search’ box and hitting ‘Enter’. If people are talking about it, you’ll see tygs on it!

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