We rank all 13 Doctor Who actors based on their popularity with the British public
The latest series of Doctor Who is enjoying higher viewing figures than last season, and the first female incarnation of the character – Jodie Whittaker – has been met with broadly positive reviews from critics.
Now using YouGov Ratings data we’ve ranked each of the thirteen actors to have played Doctor Who by how popular they are with the public.
Topping the list, with 69% of Britons saying they like him, is David Tennant - the tenth incarnation of the BBC’s famous Time Lord.

Tennant stands far ahead of his peers. In a distant second place is Christopher Eccleston, on 52% popularity, who played the ninth Doctor in the show’s history, and the first of the ongoing generation after the show was revived in 2005.
Third place goes to perhaps the most iconic Doctor of them all: Tom Baker, who is liked by 50% of the population. He played the fourth incarnation of the character.
Current Doctor Jodie Whittaker ranks right in the middle at 7th, with 41% of Britons saying they like her. It is worth pointing out, however, that the YouGov Ratings data was collected from 15 May to 31 October, meaning that most responses were gathered prior to the latest season aired. So there is every chance she will eventually climb the chart as the show continues.
At the bottom of the charts in 13th place comes seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy, who is only liked by 24% of Brits.
Photo: Getty