Eight in ten think offices and shops should take down the tinsel within a week of Christmas
Eight in ten Britons think shops (77%) and office spaces (79%) should be taking down their Christmas decorations within a week of Christmas Day.
One in five (18%) think it's alright for Christmas to drag on a little longer, and that decorations can stay up for 2 to 4 weeks after Christmas.
One in six (16%) think 2 to 4 weeks is an acceptable amount of time for office spaces to keep the mistletoe hanging.

Young people don't want Christmas to end
For a considerable proportion of Brits under 34, no-one needs to be taking down the tree until well into January.
One in four 18 to 24 year olds (25%) and 25 to 34 year olds (26%) think shops should keep their decorations up until 2 to 4 weeks after Christmas, compared to a national average of just under one in five (18%). One in five (22%) say the same about office spaces, compared to one in six (16%) of the population as a whole. Why take away the cheer any sooner than you need to?
Photo: Getty