Imperial College London
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Do enough children go to university?
Imperial College in London is to become the first academic body to regularly have hologram lecturers teaching its students. Do think this is a positive or negative development for education?
Updated on 06/11/2018
Negative - teachers/lecturers should always be physically present
Positive - it’s a good extra resource
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By Matthew Smith
With tuition fees set to rise again, most recent graduates already consider university bad value for money
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Do you think that the England cricket team should or should not boycott matches against Afghanistan, in protest at the Taliban government's treatment of women?
Updated on 08/01/2025
Should boycott
Should not boycott
If you were playing a game that required some players to act deceptively in order to eliminate honest players, with honest players needing to work out who was acting deceptively, would you rather be a deceptive player (a traitor) or an honest player (a faithful)?
Updated on 08/01/2025
Rather be honest (a faithful)
Rather be deceptive (a traitor)