One in seven secondary school teachers say they face violence from pupils at least once a month

Isabelle KirkData Journalist
June 15, 2022, 11:51 AM GMT+0

Teachers also describe regular aggressive behaviour from children and their families

Teachers in Britain say disruptive and violent pupils ruin teachers’ lives, causing physical injury and career-ending psychological harm. Recently, a London teacher received £850,000 in compensation after being punched in the face and kicked by a pupil with a history of violence.

Teachers experience regular aggression and even violence from school children, according to new YouGov research. One in seven secondary school teachers (15%) say they experience violence from a pupil at least once a month, including 5% who say they are subject to attacks at least once a week.

In addition, around half of secondary school teachers (47%) say they experience aggressive behaviour from a student at least once a month, including three in 10 (28%) who say this happens at least once a week. One in 14 (7%) teachers say they deal with aggressive pupils every single day.

Teachers also have to deal with the belligerent behaviour of angry parents – one in seven (15%) teachers say parents are aggressive with them on at least a monthly basis.

See full results here

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