The YouGov Big Survey on Drugs specifically analysed the views of the 39% of Britons who have tried either hard (14%) or soft (38%) drugs. This is what they had to say.
Among Britons who tried drugs, around half (47%) say their overall experience has been mostly positive.
A fifth (21%) of Britons say their experience with drugs has been negative, while for a quarter (25%) it has been both positive and negative.
Women are somewhat likelier than men (24% vs 19%) to report having an overall negative experience with drugs.
Eight in ten (79%) Britons who currently take drugs said they could completely stop if they wanted to, while one in five (18%) say they could not.
The majority of Britons (82%) who currently take drugs say they think they would be able to get help to stop taking them. While close to half (46%) feel they could get help both through family and friends and through the health system, a further three in ten (29%) think they could only rely on friends and family, while 7% think they could only rely on the health system.
Among Britons who have tried drugs, 8% say they have been in trouble with the police and/or other authorities because of it, while nine in ten (92%) have not.
See full results here