George Frideric Handel
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Would you rather watch a fireworks display or a drone light show for events such as New Year's?
Updated on 06/01/2025
Drone light show
Firework display
How many books Brits read
How often Brits go to art galleries and exhibitions
How often Brits go to the theatre and musicals
Do you think that Prince Andrew should or should not be permanently removed from all Royal events?
Updated on 17/12/2024
Should be removed
Should not be removed
Do you think it is acceptable or unacceptable to have Yorkshire puddings as part of a Christmas dinner?
Updated on 17/12/2024
Completely acceptable
Somewhat acceptable
Have you put up your Christmas decorations yet? If you are not planning to have any Christmas decorations in your home, please choose the N/A option
Updated on 16/12/2024
Yes, I have
N/A - I don't plan to have Christmas decorations in my home
Thinking about the Christmas present(s) you intend to buy for people this year, how many, if any, of these presents have you bought so far?
Updated on 11/12/2024
Most of them
All of them
Is it acceptable or unacceptable to buy presents for special occasions (like birthdays and Christmas) from charity shops?
Updated on 11/12/2024
Completely acceptable
Somewhat acceptable
Have you put up your Christmas decorations yet? If you are not planning to have any Christmas decorations in your, please choose the N/A option
Updated on 09/12/2024
Yes, I have
No, I have not
What TV quiz shows do Britons reckon they could win?
By Dylan Difford
How stressful, if at all, do you normally find Christmas to be? If you do not celebrate Christmas, please select 'n/a'.
Updated on 06/12/2024
Fairly stressful
Not very stressful